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Registration Services 

Appropriate for an entrepreneur that would like to save time in preparing information on business registration requirements.


Doing business in Thailand, there are various substantial administrative regulations, such as the Revenue Code and notifications of the Ministry of Commerce. Registration is required to operate or engage in a business in Thailand. Registration should be completed prior to the commencement of business operations.


1. To save time in preparing information yourself
2. To ensure that the various legal documents are prepared correctly according to the law related.


1. Reserving the juristic person’s name
2. Company Limited and Partnership Registration
3. Commercial Registration
4. Registration for the change of registered transaction such as the power to change directors, relocate company, capital increase, capital reduction, etc.
6. Completeness of liquidation and liquidation Registration
7. Register with the Revenue Department for tax
8. Notification of tax changes with Revenue Department
9. Requesting for trademark and copyright


1. RRACC will inform the various documents that you must be prepare for usage to perform in the registration that some documents may be require the original.
2. RRACC will prepare the required bureaucratic forms for customer’s sign.
3. RRACC will send the various documents already within 3 days from the date completed.