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Accounting System 

Appropriate for business that executive would like good internal controls and update the account information for business decisions.


1. For anyone relevant in work know about the flowchart of business to make daily operations without problem or interruption.
2. To provide business has good internal controls that can reduce unnecessary costs.
3. Good system will help to reduce duplication of work and documents.


1. Study about the nature of business and the flowchart of the company's financial documents.
2. Suggestions and recommendations include design documents that are necessary to control for recording transaction account and prepare financial statements of the business.
3. Suggestions the flowchart that necessary to complete the account information correctly.
4. Define configurations in using Accounting Software – Program Express (Define in terms of daily data connection with the accounting system).
5. Define chart of accounts in accordance with the company's transactions and financial requirements of the business.
6. To give some advice about define product code, customer code and distributor code.
7. Suggestions format about store documents to ensure convenient in finding that sometime must provide official documentation to support Revenue Department officers.
8. Presentation format of financial reports that executives need information in business decisions.


RRACC will send officer to work at customer’s company for a period of approximately 1 to 2 months in accordance with the nature of business and agreement.